This is us, and this is ours. Let us all make this website something we can really enjoy. |
There are thousands of alumni organizations, each with a specific purpose or goal and this is ours. There are so many reasons why you should be an active part of our organization, first and foremost is that you are one of us. By building an effective web site, we hope to keep in touch with each other regardless of where we now live and work. On this site, we may include pictures of our members, their families and the work they do. Get in touch with us so we can share ideas. |

Its 2001 and it has been 25 years since we had that memorable march on stage in front of the rest of the world, to receive a sheet of paper that signified our new status in life. We were all dressed up in our black graduation gown with those yellow caps that looked like a yellow octopus perched precariously on top of our heads. We were flying high, knowing that the bigger challenge is about to begin and we were ready for it. That was 25 years ago. As most of us know, we celebrated our Silver Jubilee last July with a medical conference that involved a series of lectures by prominent experts. The 3-day affair was highlighted by a fellowship night that thrilled everyone.
Click to the other pages to see more photos. |
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Our 25th Anniversary Homecoming was a huge success. A Silver Jubilee Celebration that will live in our hearts forever. 
...and now. Not a whole lot of difference, really. As expected, our Silver Jubilee celebration was an overwhelming success. Former classmates came to Cebu for this once-in-a-lifetime event. They came all the way from other Philippine cities and from other countries too, leaving their work behind (and income) just to be with old friends. The good news is that no one came back home disappointed, everyone treasured the experience that would be difficult to top.

The celebration which was held last July 20 to 22, 2001 in Cebu City was documented in a 2-hour videotape. Since most everyone brought their cameras, you can ask the participants for copies of their shots. To get more information, if you're in Cebu, get in touch with Ding Panares or any member of our class who attended the events. You may also call Labcor at 412-4973 and they will direct you to the right people. In the US call Edgar Escasinas at (540) 725-1299 and he will be more than happy to brief you. You can also e-mail us at drjovy@medmail.com.