There are a number of public service projects that our group has started discussing. Some of these fall under the objectives laid down by a Foundation we recently formed. One of the purposes of creating this site is to facilitate plans and implementation processes involved in those projects. Outside of our humanitarian objectives, we believe that an important element that should be a purpose of this organization is to maintain the friendship that exists among the members of CIM Class '76. The spirit of camaraderie that we developed in school when we were young students struggling to pass our exams, must not just lay to waste only because we no longer see each other nor work together on a regular basis. Most of us are separated by space and the length of time it takes to travel the distance, not to mention the economic resources required to make that trip. All of us are leading our own individual lives now. We have our jobs, our families and even if we have all the things necessary to make a trip, we still have to look into the question of whether to spend our two-week vacation with our families or with our former classmates. With this website, we do not have to make those choices if we don't want to, we can still keep in touch with each other without leaving our homes or places of work. We can still tell our friends what is new with us and ask them what is the latest with them. We can do all that with the help of our organization and our website.

 Our Mission With all these in mind, our mission therefore, should be to keep the fire burning. Let us all keep in mind that being a member of the CIM Class'76 allows each and everyone of us to enjoy the feeling of belonging. We, as well as our own households are part of one social unit. We are family.