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Our Silver Jubilee was really
a lot of fun. Let's do it again!

CIM Class of 1976


It was a work of art made possible by a group of hard-working individuals. We all made it happen but let's give credit to where credit is due. There are some of us who worked a little bit harder (OK, a lot harder) and let's not put any doubt about it, we all appreciate all the efforts you have made.


The Silver Jubilee Organizing Committee

President..................................... Edwin Medalle
Convention Chairperson............. Becky Manapsal-Francisco
Co-Chairman.................................. Uriel Baclayon
Sponsorships................................... Danny Kuizon
Ways & Means................................ Nerissa Sanchez
Scientific Program..................... Melinda Aquino-Ortiz
Jaime Tam
Fellowship/Outreach................... Belinda Noval Panares
Finance............................... Chuchi Ecarma-Quijano
Booth & Layout.................... Claire Bajarias-Alcantara
Souvenir Ads................................... Ding Panares
Promotions................................ Venus Serra-Arain
Registration........................ Margarita Murillo-Lambo
Invitation.................................... Francisco Woo
Anita Lacuesta
Public Relations.................................. Nancy Tan
Documentation............................ Evelyn Cabrera-Tam
Publicity........................... Lizbeth Vicencio-Regner
Communication................. Susan Kimseng-Madarieta
Edna Eugenio-Belderol
Records.................................. Agnes Ramos-Demano
Awards.................................. Julieta Tingson-Lim
Accommodations................................ Nestor Baisac
Fun Bingo..................................... Romeo Letigio
Fun Golf...................................... Edwin Medalle


Convention Consultants

Josephine GoKing Go
Ruben Go
Jovy Mutia Eusebio
Edgar Escasinas
Jacinto Velez, Jr.

We need some articles written by you. Give us your observations on the Jubilee and if you have happy moments in words or pictures to share, please email them to Edgar, Ding or Jovy and we'll publish them here for you.

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